

Doubt!! (Japanese: ダウト!!, Hepburn: Dauto!!) is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Kaneyoshi Izumi. The story follows Ai Maekawa, a teenager who gives herself a total makeover during a school break in a bid to reinvent her image and become popular. It was serialized in Shogakukan's Bessatsu Shōjo Comic magazine from the March 2000 issue to the July 2002 issue. Shogakukan collected the individual chapters into six bound volumes under the Flower Comics imprint. Viz Media licensed the series for an English-language release in North America. Ai Maekawa was a jimi, or country bumpkin, in middle school. After a popular student embarrassed her by flipping her skirt up in public to reveal her unattractive, grandmotherly panties, Ai used the period between middle and high school to carry out a complete makeover. Between dieting, makeup and new clothes, Ai makes herself into a beauty. She enrolls in a school that she thinks no one from her middle school will choose so that she can start over. Imbued with newfound confidence, she decides to openly pursue the most handsome and popular boy in her class, Sô Ichinose. Ai's past is not so easily abandoned, however, and Ai finds out that popularity is more than skin deep as she attempts to win Sô's affections and make friends in a field of doubt.