

Claymore is a Japanese dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Norihiro Yagi. It debuted in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Jump in June 2001, and continued until the magazine was shut down in June 2007. The series was then transferred to the newly launched Jump Square, where it was serialized from November 2007 until its conclusion in October 2014. The story takes place on a fictional medieval island where humans are plagued by shape-shifting humanoid creatures called Yoma. A group known as The Organization creates human-Yoma hybrids called Claymores to kill the Yoma. The series follows the journey of Clare, a Claymore warrior, as she saves a young boy from a Yoma and eventually uncovers the secrets of The Organization. The series has been adapted into a 26-episode anime television series. It has received positive reviews for its action scenes and art, although some critics have noted a decline in the later volumes. Funimation has licensed the anime for release in North America.