
Ēldlive is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Amano. It follows the story of Chūta Kokonose, a middle school boy who can hear a voice that no one else can. He is recruited by a blue alien named Chips and becomes a part of the space police, ēlDLIVE. Chūta discovers that the voice he hears comes from a small white alien named Dolugh, who lives inside his body. Together, they use their powers to protect the universe from dangerous criminals. The manga series started serialization in August 2013 and was later adapted into a 12-episode anime television series that aired from January to March 2017. Critics had mixed reviews about the anime series, praising its visual style but criticizing its generic characters. Overall, Ēldlive offers an enjoyable ride for fans of classic sci-fi with its flashy and occasionally silly moments.